
标题: 【SIGGRAPH Asia 2012专题*技术论文】材料和图像:自动调整参数绘制云彩照片的逆问题方法 [打印本页]

作者: .    时间: 2012-12-19 08:50
标题: 【SIGGRAPH Asia 2012专题*技术论文】材料和图像:自动调整参数绘制云彩照片的逆问题方法
【SIGGRAPH Asia 2012专题*技术论文】
An Inverse Problem Approach for Automatically Adjusting the Parameters for Rendering Clouds Using Photographs
Yoshinori Dobashi, Wat*** Iwasaki, Ayumi Ono, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Younghao Yue, Tomoyuki Nishita 摘要:云层中发挥重要作用创造逼真的图像,室外场景。有许多方法,因此提出了显示逼真的云。然而,现实主义所产生的图像取决于许多参数,用于使他们经常与不同的fi邪教调整这些参数手动。本文提出了一种方法解决这一问题的解决逆问题:给定一个统一渲染合成云密度分布,参数估计使用渲染合成云的云的照片。目标函数是fi内德之间的差异颜色直方图的照片和图像。我们的方法搜索最优参数采用遗传算法。在搜索的过程中,我们考虑到多重散射光在云。搜索进程加快的预计算一组中间的形象。后十至二十分钟算,我们的方法估计最优参数在一分钟。Abstract:Clouds play an important role in creating realistic images of outdoor scenes. Many methods have therefore been proposed for displaying realistic clouds. However, the realism of the resulting images depends on many parameters used to render them and it is often difficult to adjust those parameters manually. This paper proposes a method for addressing this problem by solving an inverse rendering problem: given a non-uniform synthetic cloud density distribution, the parameters for rendering the synthetic clouds are estimated using photographs of real clouds. The objective function is defined as the difference between the color histograms of the photograph and the synthetic image. Our method searches for the optimal parameters using genetic algorithms. During the search process, we take into account the multiple scattering of light inside the clouds. The search process is accelerated by precomputing a set of intermediate images. After ten to twenty minutes of precomputation, our method estimates the optimal parameters within a minute.


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