xARM is the powerful and easy-to-use solution to get a real preview of your game.
- Preview at device's physical size
- Verify pixel perfectness
- Compare multiple resolutions while editing
- Export ScreenCaps as PNG files
- Preview high resolutions without changing Editor layout
xARM is a must have, especially if you're developing for mobile.
- Is the GUI usable at resolution xy? - 还在烦恼GUI的适应问题?
- What is the physical size of a button? - 还不知道按钮的真实大小?
- Do the atlases switch correctly? - 图集的使用与切换是否正确?
- Does the translation fit into its space? - 空间内的转换是否合理?
- How does a change effect other resolutions? - 效果的转换是否适用在其他的解析度?
- Does the player exactly see what was intended? - 玩家是否能正确的看到效果?
- ...
- Covers all relevant devices of:
iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, Windows RT & Standalone
- Preview at physical size and pixel perfect
- Get an overview of resolution popularity, etc.
- Supports uGUI & ALL other extensions
(e.g. NGUI, DFGUI, ...)
- Export ScreenCaps as PNG files
- Huge time and trouble saver, will pay off soon
- No or minimal coding required
- Full source code access (C#)
- Supports Unity Free & Unity Pro (4.x & 3.5.7)