“Springwise”网在全球范围内搜索和整合优秀的创意,并立志将这些好点子提供给具有企业家头脑的萌芽企业的领袖、管理咨询人员、营销经理、商业发展的研究者,或任何对创新和挖掘新商机有兴趣的人。 该网搜集的创意需符合三个标准: 第一,所有创意被归入汽车、饮食、 服装与美容、家居、生活与休闲、旅游、娱乐、游戏、零售、金融服务、 广告营销、媒体与出版、风格与设计、移动与电信、环境与可持续、教育、政府等多个类别。其中不乏教育、政府等非营利的领域,“Springwise”希望为目标读者提供切实的商机,而这些商机又应该为营造一个融洽和美的社会环境起积极的作用。 第二,所有创意都不是假想的未来概念,而是至少在世界的某个角落,已付诸实践的理念、产品或服务。“Springwise”并不追求极端的创新,而是希望给目标读者以切实的案例,激发他们的灵感,甚至能对他们所处的领域和工作起到直接的推动作用。 第三,所有创意都有一张“新面孔”。“Springwise”的目光总是避开被主流媒体反复宣传的好创意,而是聚焦在发生于城市的地方性的闪光点,在尚未于全世界遍地开花的时候,及时捕捉到它们。为了实现这一目标,“Springwise”形成了“观察员网络”——由居住在70多个国家超过8000名观察员组成。他们一旦发现一个符合标准的创意,便撰写描述性短文发电邮给“Springwise”。一旦短文被采用,便会得到相应报酬。随着“Springwise”知名度的提升,有越来越多的人把自己的博客链接电邮给该网,要求成为一名观察员。 Springwise scans the globe for the most promising, unique and innovative business ventures, ideas and concepts that are ready for regional or international adaptation, expansion, partnering, investments or cooperation. Springwise headquarters is in close contact with more than 17,000 Springspotters in over 150 countries worldwide, who provide us with details of the latest innovations in their countries. These are compiled and assessed by our editorial team, and the best examples are published to provide entrepreneurial inspiration to our readers around the world! Springwise publishes a Daily and a Weekly newsletter, to which you can subscribe for free, they are sent to more than 170,000 people.Established in 2002, Springwise is headquartered in London, United Kingdom. Springwise scans the globe for the most promising, unique and innovative business ventures, ideas and concepts that are ready for regional or international adaptation, expansion, partnering, investments or cooperation. Springwise headquarters is in close contact with more than 17,000 Springspotters in over 150 countries worldwide, who provide us with details of the latest innovations in their countries. These are compiled and assessed by our editorial team, and the best examples are published to provide entrepreneurial inspiration to our readers around the world! Springwise publishes a Daily and a Weekly newsletter, to which you can subscribe for free, they are sent to more than 170,000 people.Established in 2002, Springwise is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.