Requires Unity 4.5.0 or higher.
100% compatible with Unity 5.
Ultimate Terrains is a very powerful, robust and optimized voxel terrain engineefficiently implementing adaptive Dual Contouring algorithm. It is able to generate and render infinite terrains with any kind of shape, supports real-time editing and offers incredible distance of view.
- Fast, optimized, multithreaded, low memory footprint
- Infinite terrains
- Incredible draw distance with LOD system: visible part of the terrain is up to 8000x8000
- Real-time editing
- Renders any kind of shapes (mountains, hills, caves, overhangs, etc.) and can handle both cubical and smooth terrains. No limit.
- Procedural generation thanks to modules such as Perlin noise, Simplex, Ridged multifractal, etc. You can even create your own modules.
- Triplanar Mapping shaders included (with source code)
- True biome system
- Grass generator
- Trees & details object system
- Saving & loading dynamically
- JSON serialization for network synchronization
Compatible with RTP3.
Does not require Unity PRO.
100% compatible with Unity 5.
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