Requires Unity 5.3.5 or higher.
Photon Blox is a multiplayer extension for the Game Kit plyGame which basically integrates Photon Unity Networking and plyGame together in a very easy and useful way. Multiplayer without a having to write a single line of code - NEW: Brain Cloud support - NEW: Login system, stats, achievements, leaderboard and more via Brain Cloud - Full Demo included - UGUI Screen System - Basic footstep and pet System - Automatic synchronization of plyGame Characters and NPCs - Crowd Manager System - Lots of Photon Events and Action Blocks - Custom UI Components (Action bar, player attributes bars, player bag, game menu, lobby, login and much more) - Works on all platforms
NOTE: that this product requires plyGame,Photon Unity Networking and DOTween imported into the project in order to work. You also need to have knowledge on how to use plyGame and the basics of how PUN works.