
共有 6 个
音乐舞蹈美术学院 - 普罗夫迪夫 音乐舞蹈美术学院 - 普罗夫迪夫

The Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts is a state-owned school of higher education, where students are educated for degrees of ...

1成员 0主题
大特尔诺沃大学 大特尔诺沃大学

The St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of VelikoTarnovo is a Bulgarian university based in VelikoTarnovo. The ...

1成员 0主题
建筑大学“留本•卡纳维洛夫” – 索非亚 建筑大学“留本•卡纳维洛夫” – 索非亚

VSU “L. Karavelov” is a state specialized higher school. Its public mission is: To educate Bulgarian and foreign citizens for ac ...

1成员 0主题
国家艺术学院 - 索非亚 国家艺术学院 - 索非亚

The National Academy of Arts (Bulgarian: Национална художествена академия; abbreviated НХА, N ...

1成员 0主题
新保加利亚大学 - 索非亚 新保加利亚大学 - 索非亚

New Bulgarian University (Bulgarian: Нов български университет, also known and abbreviated as НБУ, NB ...

1成员 0主题
建筑、土木工程与大地测量大学–索非亚 建筑、土木工程与大地测量大学–索非亚

The university was founded as a Higher Technical School in 1942 in 1945 it was transformed into a State Polytechnic. In 1953 Engin ...

1成员 0主题

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