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[Unity 组件参考手册]桌面:地形引擎指南之细节网格









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发表于 2013-2-16 21:36:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Any Terrain decoration that is not trees or grass should be created as a Detail Mesh. This is perfect for things like rocks, 3D s***bbery, or other static items. To add these, use the Paint Foliage button . Then choose Edit Details button->Add Detail Mesh. You will see the Add Detail Mesh dialog appear.树和草以外的任何地形装饰物都应该为细节模型创建。这个画石头、3D灌木或其他静态东西的时候非常完美。点击树叶状的按钮添加这些东西,选择Edit Details button->Add Detail Mesh。你将看到添加细节模型对话框。
The Add Detail Mesh dialog 添加细节模型对话框    Detail 细节
    The mesh to be used for the detail.
    Noise Spread 噪波范围
    The size of noise-generated clusters of the Detail. Lower numbers mean less noise.
    Random Width 随机宽度
    Limit for the amount of width variance between all detail objects.
    Random Height 随机高度
    Limit for the amount of height variance between all detail objects.
    Healthy Color 健康颜色
    Color of healthy detail objects, prominent in the center of Noise Spread clusters.
    Dry Color 干燥颜色
    Color of dry detail objects, prominent on the outer edges of Noise Spread clusters.
    Grayscale Lighting 灰度光照
    If enabled, detail objects will not be tinted by any colored light shining on the Terrain.
    Lightmap Factor 光照贴图系数
    How much the detail objects will be influenced by the Lightmap.
    Render Mode 广告
    Select whether this type of detail object will be lit using Grass lighting or normal Vertex lighting. Detail objects like rocks should use Vertex lighting.
    如果选中,草将随着摄像机一起转动,面朝主摄像机 After you've clicked the Add button, you'll see the Detail mesh appear in the Inspector. Detail meshes and grass will appear next to each other.当你点击了Add按钮,你将看到模型显示在检视面板上面。细节模型和草将挨着上一个显示出来。
The added Detail mesh appears in the Inspector, beside any Grass objects
【Painting Detail Meshes 绘制细节模型】Painting a Detail mesh works the same as painting textures, trees, or grass. Select the Detail you want to paint, and paint right onto the Terrain in the Scene View.画细节模型跟画贴图,树和草是一样的。选择你想画的模型,然后在场景视图的地形上面画上去。
Painting Detail meshes is very simple 画细节模型非常简单Note: When you have a ***sh selected, move your mouse over the Terrain in the Scene View and press F. This will center the Scene View over the mouse pointer position and automatically zoom in to the ***sh Size distance. This is the quickest & easiest way to navigate around your Terrain while creating it.注意:如果你选择了一种笔刷,在地形上移动你的鼠标同时按F。这个将让鼠标剧中,自动放大显示笔刷大小。在你创建时,这是最快最简单的方式横越你的地形。
【Editing Details 编辑细节】To change any import parameters for a Detail Mesh, select it and choose Edit Details button->Edit. You will then see the Edit Detail Mesh dialog appear, and be able to adjust the parameters described above.想改变任何导入的细节模型的参数,选择Edit Details button->Edit。你将看到编辑细节模型对话框出现,然后就能调节上面所说的参数。
【Refreshing Source Assets 刷新源资源】If you make any updates to your Detail Mesh asset source file, it must be manually re-imported into the Terrain. To do this, use Terrain->Refresh Tree and Detail Prototypes. This is done after you've changed your source asset and saved it, and will refresh the Detail Meshes in your Terrain immediately.如果你更新导入的细节模型资源,他将自动重新导入到地形上面。使用Terrain->Refresh Tree and Detail Prototypes。当你改完源资源并保存之后,这个将立刻重新导入到地形上面。
【Hints: 提示】    The UVs of the detail mesh objects need to be in the 0-1 range because all the separate textures used for all the detail meshes are packed into a single texture atlas.
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