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这几天看了一下AngryBots中的脚本,无奈水平有限有很多问题不明白。在脚本PlayerMoveController里面 Update函数中:
// On PC, the cursor point is the mouse position
var cursorScreenPosition : Vector3 = Input.mousePosition;
// Find out where the mouse ray intersects with the movement plane of the player
var cursorWorldPosition : Vector3 = ScreenPointToWorldPointOnPlane (cursorScreenPosition, playerMovementPlane, mainCamera);
var halfWidth : float = Screen.width / 2.0f;
var halfHeight : float = Screen.height / 2.0f;
var maxHalf : float = Mathf.Max (halfWidth, halfHeight);
// Acquire the relative screen position
var posRel : Vector3 = cursorScreenPosition - Vector3 (halfWidth, halfHeight, cursorScreenPosition.z);
posRel.x /= maxHalf;
posRel.y /= maxHalf;
cameraAdjustmentVector = posRel.x * screenMovementRight + posRel.y * screenMovementForward;
cameraAdjustmentVector.y = 0.0;
// The facing direction is the direction from the character to the cursor world position
motor.facingDirection = (cursorWorldPosition - character.position);
motor.facingDirection.y = 0;
// Draw the cursor nicely
HandleCursorAlignment (cursorWorldPosition);
// Set the target position of the camera to point at the focus point
var cameraTargetPosition : Vector3 = character.position + initOffsetToPlayer + cameraAdjustmentVector * cameraPreview;
// Apply some smoothing to the camera movement
mainCameraTransform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp (mainCameraTransform.position, cameraTargetPosition, cameraVelocity, cameraSmoothing);