创新灵感新思路是一个国际化的开放式创新思路拓展平台,用户可以在这里发布自己的创新理念,也可以在这里寻找拥有共同理念的群体。 在RocketIdea社区你可以免费的分享自己创新理念,把自己的想法通过图文的方式展示在用户的面前,分享思路是免费的,但是如果你想要把自己的创新销售出去是需要收费的。 Find, share and sell creative ideas! At RocketIdea you can find, share and sell creative ideas and innovations.RocketIdea is an international and open community to help people, spreading there ideas and innovations into the world and getting inspired by new ideas. At RocketIdea you can find ideas and innovations from creative minds all around the world and share new ideas and innovations for free, sell them uniquely or multiple times.