Thinkbox XMesh MY 1.4.3 WinMac
XMesh是任何艺术家新的好朋友,用于承载运行缓慢或不可运行的3D场景,或者用于需要在应用程序之间传输数据和文件的功能。从动画师到建筑师,任何在Autodesk 3ds max 或Autodesk 玛雅中工作的人都将受益于XMesh。
Work Faster, Smarter, Easier. XMesh™ is the new best friend to any artist burdened with slow or unworkable 3D assets, or faced with the need to transfer data between creative applications and maintain file functionality. From animators to architects, anyone working with large files in Autodesk® 3ds Max® or Autodesk® maya® will benefit from adding XMesh™ to their pipeline。