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发表于 2013-1-24 21:11:45 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
You can import meshes and animations from Lightwave using the FBX plugin for Lightwave.你可以使用Lightwave的FBX插件从Lightwave中导入网格和动画。
[Unity currently imports 当前导入]    All nodes with position, rotation and scale. Pivot points and Names are also imported.
    Meshes with UVs and normals. 带有UV和法线的网格
    Materials with Texture and diffuse color. Multiple materials per mesh.
    Animations. 动画
    Bone-based animations. 基于骨骼的动画 [Installation 安装]Download the latest Lightwave FBX exporter from:下载最新的Lightwave FBX导出器:    OS X lighwave 8.2 and 9.0 plugin
    OS X Lighwave 8.0 plugin
    Windows Lighwave 8.2 and 9.0 plugin
    Windows Lighwave 8.0 pluginBy downloading these plugins you automatically agree to this licence.下载这些插件会自动同意这个协议。There are two versions of the plugin, one for LightWave 8.0 and one for LightWave 8.2 through 9.0. Make sure you install the correct version.有两个版本的插件,一个用于Lightwave8.0,一个用于Lightwave8.2到9.0。确认你安装了正确的版本。The plugin for Mac comes in an OS X package. If you double-click the package to install it, the installer will try to put it in the correct folder. If it can't find your LightWave plugin folder, it will create its own LightWave folder in your Applications folder and dump it there. If the latter occurs you should move it to your LightWave plugin folder (or any sub-folder). Once there you have to add the plugin to LightWave via the "Edit Plugins" panel (Option-F11) - see the LightWave manual for more details on how to add plugins.用于Mac的插件位于一个OSX包中,如果双击这个安装包,安装器将试着将它放在正确的文件夹下。如果他不能找到LightWave插件文件夹,他将在Applications文件夹创建自己的Lightwave文件夹,如果后者发生,你需要移动他到你的Lightwave插件文件夹中(或者任何子文件夹),你需要通过"Edit Plugins" 面板(Option-F11)添加这个插件,参考Lightwave手册获取更多如何添加插件的细节。Once added to LightWave, the plugin is acessible via the Generics menu (on the Utiliies) tab. If the Generic menu is not present you will have to add it using the Config Menus panel. In the latter panel it can be found in the Plug-ins category and is called "Generic Plugins". Add it to any convenient menu (see the LightWave manual for more details on how to do this).一旦添加到Lightwave,这个插件可以通过Generics菜单(在Utiliies上)访问。如果Generic菜单不存在,你需要通过Config Menu面板添加他,在后面的面板中,在plug-ins分类中并被称为"Generic Plugins",添加他到任何方便的菜单(参考Lightwave手册获取更多关于如何做到这一点的细节)。More information about installation can also be found in the release notes that can downloaded with the installer.更多关于安装的信息可以与安装包一同下载的发行手册中得到。
[Exporting 导出]All objects and animations have to be exported from Layout (there is no Modeler FBX exporter).所有物体和动画都从Layout导出(没有模型的FBX导出器)。
1. Select Export to FBX from the Generics menu
    从Generics 菜单选择导出为FBX2. Select the appropriate settings in the fbx export dialog
    在FBX导出对话框中选择适当的设置    Select the fbx file name. Make sure to save the exported fbx file in the Assets folder of your current Unity project.
    In the FBX dialogue panel you MUST select Embed Textures otherwise the exported object will have no UVs. This is a bug in the Lightwave fbx exporter and will be fixed in a future version according to Autodesk.
    在FBX对话框面板中必须选择Embed Textures,否则导出的物体将没有UV,Lightwave fbx导出器中的Bug将会在Autodesk的新版本中被修复。
    If you want to export animations into Unity you must have "Animations" checked. You also need to have "Lights" or "Cameras" checked.
    如果你想导出动画到Unity你必须要选择"Animations" ,还有根据需要选择ights"或"Cameras"。
    To change the name of the exported animation clip in Unity, change the name from "LW Take 001" to your liking.
    要在Unity中改变导出动画片段的名称,修改你喜欢的名称,如"LW Take001'。3. Switch to Unity 切换到Unity    Unity will automatically import the fbx file and generate materials for the textures.
    Drag the imported fbx file from the Project view into the Scene view.
    从项目视图中拖拽场景视图中 [Important notes 重要说明]    You must select Embed Textures in the FBX panel when exporting or no UVs are exported
    导出时,你必须在FBX面板中选择Embed Textures 否则将没有UV被导出。
    If you want to export animations you must enable Animations and either Camera or Lights.
    如果想导出动画你必须启用Animations 和Camera或者Lights。
    It is strongly recommended to always place your textures in a folder called "Textures" next to the fbx file. This will guarantee that Unity can always find the Texture and automatically connect the texture to the material.
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